Aerobrief Privacy Policy

Effective March 10, 2023


This is not a legal document. It is written in plain English to allow you, the User of Aerobrief’s services to understand how and why we gather, process, store and share your personal information. We are a post-GDPR company and we have built our systems to operate within the spirit of that regulation.

Some Definitions

Principles of GDPR

There are seven key principles laid out in Article 5 of the Regulation:

They are at the heart of our approach to processing your personal data and the detail of each is available here.

Practical Guidance using FAQ

Q. What Personal Data do you collect?

In short, the minimum amount required to deliver the Service. You submit your email address when you enrol and subsequently your location, your query, your IP address and a token containing your device’s unique identifier. This happens each time you interact with our server. Occasionally, we might request evidence of your employment or medical status to ascertain your eligibility to access the Service. This is the principle of “data minimisation”.

Q. How do you use my Personal Data?

We use your data in five important ways. This defines our “lawful basis” for processing this data.

  1. To notify you about something important or to let you know about something related to the Service that you might be interested in.
  2. To maintain the health of our servers, specifically to detect technical problems or malicious activity.
  3. To build your Reputation Score. This is a key feature of the Service and gets special attention below.
  4. To provide audit reports to our key data suppliers.
  5. To find ways of improving our Service.

Q. What is a Reputation Score?

This is the key metric which we use to protect our Service from malicious activity and to provide evidence to our third party suppliers (also acting as Data Processors) that you are using their data in line with our mutual Terms of Service. Essentially, this removes the need to geofence the Service, giving you more freedom to make queries outside the airport environment. The Score is calculated by an automated algorithm using your Personal Data.

Q. How long do you retain my Personal Data?

For as long as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes or enforce our policies. This could be as long as six years from the date of your last interaction with the Service.

Q. What are my rights with respect to data protection?

If you are a resident of the United Kingdom or European Economic Area, you have some useful rights. Here they are:

Aerobrief acting as a Data Controller will work to protect these rights and assist you with your request. We extend these rights to you, regardless of your residency.

Q. How do I contact you?

For general enquiries, you may contact us at [email protected] and for confidential enquiries you may contact the data protection officer at [email protected]


This document has been kept deliberately short, to encourage you to read it. For clarification on any Privacy Policy matter, please get in touch. Thank you and enjoy the Service. The Aerobrief Team, March 10, 2023.